Natürliche Gesundheit

Analytic Psychocatharsis - The Method in Brief - Passwords

It is within such multiples of images, words and of their interfaces that the unconscious functions. It is nothing other than a combination of imagery and vocalization in such a form of interfaces as we experience in modern information technology. In the latter we find interfaces that enable the exchange of information between two or more systems.

Once you start mentally repeating such a formula word -and now we know that it is a scientifically composed construct -it becomes active at the interfaces of the unconscious (SHINES / SPEAKS), which is composed imprecisely this manner, it opens the interface and modulates.

The process calls for a purely mental repetition of the phonemic and letter sequences, i.e.

di -od -ic -or -ad -di -od,

perhaps with short pauses in between (in this case, I purposely began radiodico at the di, because some people get caught up with the radio and with the dico, by thinking of the content). As is generally known, there are many meanings within the formula word, you cannot and should not concentrate on any one of them, but rather singly on the phonemic and letter sequence. Such a procedure causes relaxation to deepen slightly. Should the eyes be closed, then it is possible for a little light to emerge, or a bodily tingling might be felt, all of these are signs of the SHINES. Images could also arise, or memories. But, of course, you should avert your attention from these in order to return to the simple shines (radiate, light, tingle, feeling of relaxation etc.). Once this whole thing has reached a level of relaxation is when the time has come to commence a second exercise.

Here, the upper right area of the mind (which has to do with left-orientation) on something that seems to have the characteristics of a tone, of an "It Announces", or just SPEAKS. It isn't someone, who is evoking or speaking, but rather one's own unconscious, most often these are unconscious thoughts, whereby the call even says that it is an "internal sentence" which is ubiquitous in humans. If it isn't only a tone like evocation anyway, then it is often only a syllable, a short formulation such as we find in dreams and which can be accessed in psychoanalytic interpretation. Usually, it sense can be immediately understood, and it's clear where it originates. While the SHINES (emerging images, too), namely, originates from the reflections of the unconscious, these short formulations have their original in the echo-rhetorics of just this same unconscious. After all, the unconscious is of this structure of SHINES / SPEAKS, which is what we want to attain, experience, and aspire to improve their combination. I call the initial form of the skills achieved through the exercises: "transitional object". The final form, on the other hand, the one that 'grasps hold' of the "internal sentence", is an: "IDENTITY" or "PASSWORD".

Autor: Dr. Günter von Hummel

Übersetzung: Rudolf J. Osler